Narita Airport will provide cardboard beds for travelers

Narita Airport will provide cardboard beds for travelers


Narita Japan Airport has prepared an impromptu hotel out of cardboard beds in its baggage claim area for international passengers who will have to stay there awaiting the results of a coronavirus test.

Although flights to Narita shrank so dramatically that the airport closed one of its runways, planes still land with passengers arriving from countries, including the United States and Italy, who are required to pass virus tests before they can go home.

Although the Japanese Ministry of Health claims that the results can be obtained within six hours, in fact, passengers have to wait there for a day or two. Passengers are forbidden to use public transport, and those who have no one to pick them up have to wait. Cardboard beds have been prepared in case nearby facilities currently used to accommodate passengers are full.

A sturdy cardboard box, equipped with a mattress and a blanket, is designed for use in evacuation centers during natural disasters and other emergency situations.

Japan last week declared a state of emergency in large cities to combat the spread of coronavirus. The NHK television channel reports that the number of cases in the country is at least 7400 people, while 137 people died.

# Japan
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