Musk oxen explore new habitats in Yakutia

Musk oxen explore new habitats in Yakutia

The press service of the Directorate of Biological Resources, Protected Areas and Natural Parks of the Ministry of Ecology of Yakutia reported that the red book musk ox was spotted in the vicinity of the village of Yukagir in the Ust-Yansky district. Experts note that single individuals of this animal do not pose a threat to humans.

Information about the appearance of small groups of musk oxen in the Ust-Yansky district began to arrive in 2019. It is assumed that the animals settle from the Allaikhovsky district.

Experts remind that it is impossible to approach both the herd and single individuals closer than 50 meters. You should also not approach male musk oxen during the rut. In addition, it is not recommended to feed these animals.

The musk ox is listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Activities for the settlement of this species in the tundra zone began in 1996. The number and distribution area of this animal are increasing annually, now the estimated population is more than four thousand.
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