Mospriroda gave eco-tips on how to celebrate the New Year by improving karma

Mospriroda gave eco-tips on how to celebrate the New Year by improving karma

Mospriroda has published tips on an eco-friendly New Year celebration on its website. In order to preserve the environment, those who want to earn advantages for their eco-farm need to reduce resource consumption, reuse items, and give preference to recycling.

"New Year's holidays are surrounded by a magical atmosphere largely due to the symbols of the New Year: the Christmas tree, decorations and gifts. But what brings us joy can cause harm to the world around us. The preparation of the holiday must be taken responsibly. Jewelry, rolls of polyethylene for wrapping gifts, disposable tableware and table setting items – all this pollutes our planet and decomposes for an incredibly long time," the institution noted.

The first tip is to set the table without plastic and do not cook too much.

"During the New Year holidays, a lot of spoiled food is thrown away and the use of disposable tableware increases. The first problem can be solved with the help of competent planning: do not cook for the trash can," the Ministry urges.

It is better to prefer a reusable alternative to disposable dishes and napkins, including cocktail tubes. Fabric napkins will bring your eco-farm as many as five bonuses, experts promise.

But if you can not do without disposable tableware, buy one that can be sent for recycling. The "worst option" is plastic marked 3 and 7, as they are not recyclable.

As for choosing a Christmas tree, it is best to make it with your own hands from any improvised materials and recyclables, giving a second life to things that have already served. This option is the most preferable - the experts of the Ministry of Natural Resources promise + 4 bonuses to the eco-farm for it.

"If it is important that the house has the smell of fresh needles, you can buy coniferous trees at special Christmas markets. After all, Christmas trees are grown in special nurseries for them. And to minimize damage to nature, hand over the spruce after the holidays for recycling. In January, reception points for coniferous trees will be opened as part of the "Christmas Tree Cycle" campaign, the Ministry noted.

Experts advise decorating the house with energy-saving garlands and eco-toys.
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