Lynxes were counted in the national park "Krasnoyarsk Pillars"

Lynxes were counted in the national park "Krasnoyarsk Pillars"

The press service of the National Park "Krasnoyarsk Pillars" told about the monitoring of the lynx population that took place this year. For the calculation, experts used materials collected by video and photo fixation. This year, an additional 20 new photo recorders were added to the already existing network of camera traps. The cameras were installed in places with forest debris, on trails, outposts and other areas of the taiga cat habitat.

This year, scientists managed to record 14 lynx individuals. In particular, unique images of three families were obtained from observations, which indicates the high reproductive abilities of local cats. The photos showed females with two and three kittens.

Monitoring makes it possible to assess the state of the taiga cat population under conditions of prolonged anthropogenic impact from adjacent territories. Throughout the history of the protected area, the number of lynx in the "Krasnoyarsk Pillars" remains extremely limited and ranges from 2 to 16 individuals in different years.

The lynx leads a secretive lifestyle, so it is quite difficult to observe it. That is why photofixation is so important for scientists.
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