The "Vishtitskiy" National Park has been transferred under the management of the "Kurshskaya Kosa" National Park - the corresponding changes were made by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia. This is reported on the website of "Kurshskaya Kosa".
"The decision taken will make it possible to ensure a stricter protection regime in order to preserve unique natural complexes and objects, and to create conditions for ecological tourism," - the message says.
The "Vishtitskiy" National Park is located on the territory of two municipal districts of the Kaliningrad Region (Nesterovsky and Ozersky) and occupies an area of over 27.6 thousand hectares.
Its website says that "this vast forest with a hilly relief and numerous lakes was created by a glacier almost 12 thousand years ago and represents a single whole." "It was the glacier that determined the special beauty of the landscape, its rich diversity of flora and fauna. In ancient times, the forest was part of the "Great Wasteland" that stretched for tens of thousands of square kilometers from the Curonian Spit to the Bialowieza Forest," - the website notes.
The "Kurshskaya Kosa" National Park is located in the part of the Kaliningrad Region bordering on Lithuania on a narrow strip of land between the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Bay.
The natural uniqueness of the territory lies in the fact that it is the largest sand spit in the world. At present, sands and forests predominate on the Curonian Spit.
This is an important event for the Kaliningrad Region. The transfer of the "Vishtitskiy" National Park under the management of the "Kurshskaya Kosa" National Park will make it possible to more effectively preserve the unique natural complexes of this region.