Kronotsky Nature Reserve is recruiting volunteers again

Kronotsky Nature Reserve is recruiting volunteers again

The press service of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve announced the start of accepting applications from those willing to voluntarily help preserve nature. At the moment, 104 vacancies are open. Volunteers are expected in the Valley of Geysers, the caldera of the Uzon volcano, on the Kronotsky and Kuril Lakes and other protected cordons. To qualify, a volunteer must love nature, show a high degree of motivation, and be able to work in a team.

"There must be no health problems, because you will have to work in hard-to-reach areas with serious physical activity. The advantage will be the experience of camping life, the skills of economic activity," the message says.

Volunteers participate in household and construction work, landscaping, help maintain order at the cordons, interact with tourists. Some volunteers can assist researchers in conducting research if they have specialized education.
Volunteer shifts mostly last from May to October. It is during this period that additional assistance is most needed in the protected areas. Individual vacancies open immediately after the New Year.

Before being sent to the territory, volunteers take a free online training course from the School of Conservationists. They will learn about the peculiarities of the Kamchatka nature reserve, the importance of working in protected areas and how the activities of environmental institutions are organized.
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