Interactive visit center opened for visitors of "Reserved Ossetia-Alania"

Interactive visit center opened for visitors of "Reserved Ossetia-Alania"

Source: http://nature /
The Directorate of "Reserved Ossetia-Alania" announced the opening of an interactive multimedia visitor center in the city of Alagir. It was created within the framework of the x federal project "Development of tourist infrastructure" of the national project "Tourism and Hospitality Industry".

The visitor center consists of nine thematic halls that introduce visitors to the main tourist routes of North Ossetia and immerse them in the atmosphere of protected areas. Guests will be able to find out what the territories of the North Ossetian State Nature Reserve, the National Park "Alania" and the Reserve of federal significance "Tseysky" looked like millions of years ago.

The state portal "Wild Nature of Russia" told in more detail about the exposition of the visit center. The message notes that visitors will be able to see footage from camera traps, get acquainted with stands telling about outstanding scientists who have studied protected natural areas.
The Animal and Plant World Hall will introduce visitors to the three main animals living in this territory: a tour, a bison and a leopard. It will also be possible to browse through the virtual Red Book, where information about rare inhabitants of the region is posted on each page.

In the "Full Immersion Hall" you can enjoy the views of North Ossetia in 3D format. An interactive relief map will clearly demonstrate the difference between a nature reserve, a nature reserve and a national park.

In the Geology and Paleontology hall, guests of the visitor center can see fossils of living organisms that lived in the waters of the ancient Tethys Ocean millions of years ago.
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