In the Kenozersk National Park, the state of architectural monuments is being studied with the help of special lighthouses

In the Kenozersk National Park, the state of architectural monuments is being studied with the help of special lighthouses

Source: V.Yandovsky,
Monitoring of the state of cultural heritage sites in the Kenozersky National Park takes place with the help of special beacons that track the dynamics of changes in architectural structures. These devices are installed at three sites - the Church of Peter and Paul of the XIX century, the chapel of St. John the Theologian of the XVIII century and the bell tower of the Pochezersk temple complex of the XVIII century. The national Park announced this on its website with reference to the chief architect of the park, Viktor Yandovsky.

"Lighthouses are placed on architectural monuments in the autumn to get information about the work of structures during the temperature drop and the impact of snow load. The chief architect of the park noted that now, in the autumn-winter period, weather conditions can have a significant impact on the movement of structures. Regular photofixation will be carried out to carry out measurements and analysis of changes," the message says.

According to experts, there are cracks in the brickwork on the Church of Peter and Paul, which could appear due to deformation of the foundation. And the chapel of St. John the Theologian has a slope of the belfry to the north.
In addition, a theodolite survey (a device for determining horizontal and vertical angles) will be carried out to understand whether the structures deviate from the vertical axis. In the near future, it is also planned to examine the Porzhensky churchyard.

As noted in the National Park, constant monitoring of the state of monuments is very important for timely restoration, conservation or repair work.

Kenozersky National Park is the only one in Russia that has taken dozens of architectural monuments on its balance sheet, including masterpieces of Russian wooden architecture of the XVII–XIX centuries. His work on the preservation of cultural heritage sites was marked by prestigious international and Russian awards.

"Over 30 years, 30 monuments have been completely restored, emergency and conservation work has been carried out on 24, including with the participation of volunteers," the park noted.
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