In Saudi Arabia, Ramadan tables for the faithful are served in the Valley of roses

In Saudi Arabia, Ramadan tables for the faithful are served in the Valley of roses

Among the fragrance of roses, the faithful of Saudi Arabia will be able to hold an iftar (meal after the day of fasting in Ramadan). The authorities of the western province of the kingdom of Taif decided to conduct an experiment and organize Ramadan tables for everyone right in the valley of flowers.

Pink farms, where dozens of varieties of these noble flowers are grown, are located at the foot of the El Hada mountain range, and this year the month of the Muslim holy fast of Ramadan coincided with the beginning of the rose flowering season, which lasts a month and a half.

According to the Saudi press agency SPA, thousands of people flock to the valley these days, large families come there to spend evenings among the sweet fragrance of roses. However, the agency does not report how the transformation of flower farms into noisy public spaces affects the condition and integrity of fragile flowers.

Tables are set right between the bushes, decorated with flowers and lanterns, which have long become one of the symbols of the month of fasting. Guests are offered drinks infused with rose petals – local farmers have a special secret of making them.

The high-altitude Taia is called a paradise for lovers of adventure holidays. Tourists visiting this region like to come at sunset to the observation deck of Mount Al-Hada, stretching all the way to Mecca, and admire the views that the Saudis themselves consider "ideal".
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