Greece: Drones Over Beaches

Greece: Drones Over Beaches


As is known, all beaches in Greece are state-owned. However, in recent years, entrepreneurs serving coastal areas have gradually begun to capture more and more beach areas, blocking free access to the water. This led to the so-called "towel wars" with mass protests and even clashes.

In this regard, the Greek parliament has adopted a resolution prohibiting the use of beaches for private purposes. The boundaries of areas leased for servicing tourists are subject to strict definition and electronic registration. In ecological zones related to the "Natura" program, 198 "untouchable beaches" have been created.

The use of drones is allowed to track violations. The Ministry of Digital Governance has also developed a special mobile application MyCoast, with which you can not only report violations of beach legislation, but also indicate the exact location of this violation, the license number of the unscrupulous tenant, as well as the permitted zone of his activity.

For unauthorized activities, fines of up to 60,000 euros are provided.

# Greece
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