Focus on Speed: Bullet Train to Connect Moscow and St. Petersburg in Just 2 Hours

Focus on Speed: Bullet Train to Connect Moscow and St. Petersburg in Just 2 Hours


RZD has signed a contract for the manufacture, certification, and delivery of the first two electric trains for the Moscow - St. Petersburg High-Speed Railway Line (HSR), which is scheduled to be launched in 2028.

This was reported by the company in its Telegram channel.

"On a route with a length of 679 km, trains will be able to make 16 stops depending on the schedule. It will be possible to quickly get not only to the Northern capital, but also to many other cities. The total travel time is 2 hours 15 minutes," - noted in RZD.

Along the HSR from Moscow to Tver it will be possible to get there in 39 minutes, to Valday - in 1 hour 15 minutes, to Veliky Novgorod - in 1 hour 41 minute.

The Ural Locomotives enterprise will act as the contractor for the contract for the manufacture and supply of trains. The contract price is 12 billion rubles. Ready-to-operate trains must be delivered before the end of March 2028.

It is assumed that the train will have an 8-car configuration with the possibility of connecting two sets, four classes of service are being worked out.

The maximum speed of the electric train will be 400 km/h, and the operational speed will be 360 km/h.

"The high-speed line will practically erase the borders between the two largest agglomerations of the country. It will open up a new space for tourism and stimulate the expansion of public and business ties," - the company's message says.

It is planned that in 2028 the traffic interval during rush hours will be up to 10 minutes, and up to 40 trains per day will run in each direction.

According to RZD forecasts, at least 23 million people will use the Moscow - St. Petersburg high-speed line annually. To date, the design of the highway has been completed by more than 60%, and the construction of the most complex section at the exit from Moscow is already underway.

The Moscow-St. Petersburg HSR will become the first element of a network of high-speed railway lines in Russia.

"When creating the HSR, we will use the best construction and engineering resources of the country. We will pay special attention to the environment and the impact on the environment. Within the city limits, trains will run with a minimum noise level," the company noted.

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