Festival of Arts “Diaghilev. P.S." to take place in St. Petersburg

Festival of Arts “Diaghilev. P.S." to take place in St. Petersburg

The Diaghilev Arts Festival will be held at theater, concert and museum venues in St. Petersburg in November. P.S." Information about this was published on the official tourism portal Visit Petersburg.

“Established in 2009, the Diaghilev Festival. P.S." today it is one of the largest cultural events in Russia. Uniting the most significant cultural institutions of St. Petersburg in its multi-genre program, it presents vibrant exhibitions, ballet and opera premieres of theaters in Russia and abroad, symphony and chamber programs, presentations of new publications, scientific conferences and master classes,” notes the portal.

According to information on the festival website, it will begin on November 13 with a traditional musical event - a new concert by pianist and producer Alexei Goribol in the St. Petersburg Chapel.

The dance program will be opened by the Nizhny Novgorod State Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. S. Pushkin. On November 14, the team, in collaboration with the production agency JokerLab, will present a ballet evening on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater to the music of composers of the early 20th century, “Terezin Quartet”. On November 28, the Samara Opera and Ballet Theater named after D. D. Shostakovich will present at the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater the dance evening “The Time of Nikita Dolgushin,” which is dedicated to the legacy of the outstanding dancer and choreographer, an artist of the St. Petersburg school.

To the international program “Diaghilev P.S.” included groups from India and China. “St. Petersburg residents and guests of the festival will get acquainted with the Aditi Mangaldas Company - this is one of the main ensembles that supports and develops the tradition of ancient Kathak dance in India and based on it stage both classical and modern performances that bring the language of Kathak into the modern world. On November 16, they will show the play WITHIN (“Inside”) on the BaltDom stage,” said the organizers of “Diaghilev P.S.”

The Chinese troupe “Xie Xin Dance Theater” will perform on the closing day of the festival, November 30: the stage of the BDT will host a production of T.I.M.E. (“Time”), which was created by Xi Xing, a young star of Asian choreography.

According to the organizers, the exhibition program will be dedicated to the phenomenon of the Diva, the idols of the public - actresses of the Russian theater of the first half of the 20th century and their destinies against the backdrop of changing times. Thus, on November 24, the Sheremetev Palace - Museum of Music will host the opening of the exhibition of the Museum of Theater and Musical Art “The Judgment of Paris. Birth of the Goddess."

On the same day, as part of the educational program of the festival, a round table will be held at the Bread Factory, where guests will discuss, in particular, how modern ballet and folk dance traditions are combined these days. And a little earlier, on November 18 at the Angleterre Cinema & Theater.

viewers will be able to see the presentation of the documentary film “Donna Tanya”. The film is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the ballerina and choreographer Tatyana Leskova, the great-granddaughter of the writer Nikolai Leskov, who lives in Brazil, made a significant contribution to the development of ballet in this country and restored the performances of Leonid Massine, the author of the legendary avant-garde ballet “Parade”, the manifesto of Cubism and one of the most famous theatrical works by Pablo Picasso.

Festival “Diaghilev P.S.” created in 2009 for the centenary of the “Russian Seasons” of the great impresario of the 20th century Sergei Diaghilev.

“Its mission is to promote creative and cultural exchange between Russia and the rest of the world, to present the most iconic and innovative works and phenomena in various genres of art, and to discover new talents,” the festival’s website notes.
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