Domodedovo automated the verification system in the departure area of domestic airlines

Domodedovo automated the verification system in the departure area of domestic airlines


Moscow Domodedovo Airport has automated the verification of boarding passes in the departure area of Russian airlines using eGate turnstiles.

The introduction of this technology allows passengers to reduce the time of pre-flight formalities by 20%. Automation also eliminates the possibility of illegal entry into the sterile area of the airport.

Thanks to the innovation, passengers can independently enter the departure area and then board the aircraft by attaching a boarding pass or QR code on a mobile device to the scanner.

In total, seven eGate turnstiles have been installed before entering the unified inspection center of the departure zone of Russian airlines.

In 2018, Domodedovo was the first airport in Russia to introduce eGate automated turnstiles for passenger service at boarding gates.

# Russia
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