Bulgarian Ticks Gone Wild

Bulgarian Ticks Gone Wild


On the eve of the summer tourist season, Bulgaria has been hit by an unexpected disaster: a tick boom. This is due to the snowless winter and the sharp warming in May. The proliferating arthropods have filled not only forests and mountains,but even parks in large cities of the country.

Despite preventive measures in the form of spraying lawns with special preparations, a record number of ticks per unit area has been recorded in the South Park of Sofia. It got to the point that parents are afraid to walk with small children in the squares and parks of the capital. Panic arose after an incredible incident when 15 ticks were found on a two-year-old baby. Fortunately, the parasites did not have time to bite the child, but the boy's parents were in shock.

And in the cultural capital of Bulgaria - Plovdiv - this May the number of appeals to medical institutions after tick attacks doubled. Two people were hospitalized in serious condition in the Plovdiv infectious diseases hospital with suspected Lyme disease. This disease is caused by bacteria that are transmitted to humans by ixodid ticks.

Doctors warn: timely treatment leads to a full recovery. At the first symptoms of the disease (weakness, nausea, fever,enlarged lymph nodes), you should seek medical attention.

For the purpose of prevention, the Rescue Services urge tourists going to the mountains to wear closed clothes, spray themselves with special repellents to repel ticks, or even use vaccinations.

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