Bears staged a dance flash mob at the "Land of the Leopard"

Bears staged a dance flash mob at the "Land of the Leopard"

"Dancing" bears increasingly began to fall into the lenses of camera traps of the Land of the Leopard National Park in Primorsky Krai. Camera traps record the rhythmic dancing of clubfoot when they rub against tree trunks. Over the past month, experts have identified three similar cases. This was reported by the Tourist portal of Primorsky Krai.

"In the wildlife footage obtained by the specialists of the national park, bears leave scent marks on trees. Judging by the video, tagging trees gives bears real pleasure. As if forgetting that this process is a necessity of the harsh world of animals, clubfoot rubs against tree trunks for a long time with their backs, muzzle and sides with a special bearish caress," the message says.

According to the portal, such a "dancing flash mob" was picked up by one white-breasted and two brown bears. In a similar way, they designate their territory.

"This process is natural and occurs often in nature, but the uniqueness of these cases lies in the fact that representatives of the furry dynasty did it on camera in a relatively short period of time," the report says.

According to experts, predators leave information about themselves on oaks and pines.

"The bears chose these trees for a reason: these are the marking points that stand out vividly against the general forest background and are clearly visible to most local "residents". By leaving scent marks on the tree, animals transmit various messages, exchange information about their species, gender and even age. The search for a couple, a statement about the owner's rights to the territory – the tags may contain many important messages. At the same time, they not only leave their smell, but also "accept" the smells of other animals," the portal quotes Taisiya Marchenkova, an employee of the science department of the FSBI "Land of the Leopard".

The National Park suggested that the increase in the number of such cases may be explained by an increase in the number of camera traps on the "Land of the Leopard". At the same time, as scientists note, currently cameras are increasingly registering brown bears. The research will continue.

In total, more than 500 cameras have been installed in the national park, which allow specialists to observe the life of wild animals and at the same time not disturb them. This is the largest photomonitoring network among Russian nature reserves and national parks.

"Two types of bears live in the national park – brown (numbering about 60 individuals) and white-breasted (aka Himalayan, numbering about 160 individuals). If the brown bear is characteristic of temperate and northern latitudes, then the main area of the white-breasted bear is in southeast Asia," the portal notes.

A short video with incendiary bear dances in the national park can be viewed here /.
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