Arkhyz Resort Shows Significant Growth in Popularity This Year

Arkhyz Resort Shows Significant Growth in Popularity This Year

Source: https://кавказ.рф/

Arkhyz has demonstrated a noticeable increase in tourist flow based on the results of the first quarter of 2024. The Caucasus.RF company, which manages the resort, notes that this was facilitated by good weather and a rich program for tourists.

"A lot of snow and sun, new services and an active event calendar provided the resort with a colossal tourist flow: 625 thousand guests visited Arkhyz in the first quarter of 2024, which is 10% more than in 2023," - the message on the Caucasus.RF website says.

According to the company, 82% of the resort's guests are active skiers and snowboarders. 18% of tourists made sightseeing trips to the mountains.

"The event calendar was full of all-Russian holidays, family competitions with the participation of the youngest guests of the resort, and the Masters championship was organized specifically for adult riders. Professional and accredited instructors, as well as 3 partner ski schools, help snowboarders and skiers improve their sports skills," - noted in Caucasus.RF.

In addition, favorable weather conditions and an improved snowmaking system made it possible to extend the skiing season until May 1, the company said.

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