A red book swan with a damaged wing was found in Krasnoyarsk

A red book swan with a damaged wing was found in Krasnoyarsk

Source: http://www.altai-sayan.ru
The whooper swan was noticed by local residents on the freezing Krasnoyarsk Meat Processing Plant lake, who immediately turned to the environmental services.Inspectors of the directorate and employees of the Regional Ministry of Ecology came to the call. This was announced on its website by the Association of Nature Reserves and National Parks of the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion.

"The bird was spotted on a freezing lake, which is at least atypical: swans are migratory birds and at this time they are already flying off to winter in a warmer climate. A frozen pond would not have given the bird either a habitual place of residence or food in winter, which threatened the death of the feathered," the association noted.

The employees of the environmental services who arrived at the place did not find the bird, but found traces of its stay. Local residents joined the search, one of whom as a result caught a bird about three kilometers from the lake and handed it over to state inspectors.

"It turned out that the swan's wing was damaged and unable to bend, which is why the bird could not fly. No other damage was found during the examination of the feathered. The animal was delivered to a new house – MBU "Zoo" of the city of Zelenogorsk. The swan will be properly cared for here," the message says.

According to zoo veterinarian Natalia Nizhnik, now the swan is not eating well and does not feel well in the new environment, so for now it was decided to postpone veterinary activities so that the bird would not experience even more stress.

"In the near future, he will remain under the close supervision of employees. We hope that he will recover soon. To determine the exact age, we will send his feather to Moscow, and as for the sex of the individual, it is difficult to determine it in swans," the words of Nizhnik are quoted in the message.

As noted in the association, this species of swans is listed in the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as the republics of Yakutia, Khakassia, Tyva and Altai, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Tomsk and Omsk regions.
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