Inna Svyatenko, Chairman of the Federation Council’s Committee on Social Policy, told EcoTourism EXPERT about the Russian-Belarusian cooperation in the development of new tourist areas.
- One of the topics discussed at the 10th Forum of the Russian and Belarusian Regions held in Ufa was the development of mutual tourism. What are the prospects for mutual tourism?
Russia and Belarus have a common historical and cultural legacy and the richest natural resources, which contributes to the development of tourism and mutually beneficial cooperation in this tourism segment. Tourist flows between our countries are increasing every year and the quality of tourism services is improving in the wellness and health tourism, as was in cultural, educational and social tourism. Compared to 2021, there were two and a half times more mutual tourist trips last year.
The absence of language barriers, the ability to make payments with the “Mir” card, and visa-free entry also contribute to the growing tourist flows between our countries.
The task for the near future is the further development of cross-border tourist routes, mutual tourist exchanges, attraction of foreign travellers, and promotion of joint tourism projects.
- What should be done to achieve these goals?
It is necessary to start the practical implementation of the intergovernmental agreement on mutual recognition of visas between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus as soon as possible. This will enable the tourism industry to offer cross-border Russian-Belarusian tourist programmes to tourists from other countries.
It is necessary to work out a phased plan of actions aimed at the unification of the Russia’s and Belarus’ legislation in the tourism sector. Within the framework of the Union State’s Programme, it is planned to coordinate the tourism development strategies, the norms for the activities of guides and guide-interpreters, as well as to create common rules for informing about the standardization of the quality of hotel services.
In addition, the guarantees provided to tourists while rendering tourism services, the requirements for carrying out tourism activities in terms of the tour operators’ financial responsibility will be unified, and the protection of tourists’ rights will be ensured if a tour operator fails to fulfill its obligations to provide tourism services.
- Interregional cooperation was discussed at the Forum. Are there successful examples of cooperation in tourism at the level of the regions of the two countries?
At a special panel session at the Forum, we discussed the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between the Russia’s and Belarus’ regions, successful regional practices in the tourism industry. By the way, the hostess of the 10th Forum of the Russian and Belarusian Regions, the Republic of Bashkortostan (Bashkiria), is among them and the Republic actively interacts with the Belarus’ regions.
In 2022, the tourist flow to Bashkiria was over 2 million arrivals, and this year, the Republic’s leaders expect a 30% increase in arrivals. Considering that Minsk-Ufa flights have been launched recently, many Belarusians will, certainly, come to Bashkiria. In turn, Bashkortostan actively develops various segments of tourism, including cultural, educational, wellness and health, ethno-cultural, ecological, industrial, event, and other ones. I would like to note the social project “Bashkir Longevity” aimed at the implementation of one-day excursions for older people. The “Bashkir-Belarusian Longevity” joint programme was also launched.
- Is there an ecological tourism among the future mutual tourism programmes?
Undoubtedly. Ecological tourism is an important segment in the tourism industry in Russia and Belarus. Several joint ecological tourism projects are under implementation. The ecological tourism was also discussed in Ufa. The representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources of both countries constantly interact to discuss various issued, including specially protected natural areas. A Russian-Belarusian transborder specially protected natural area “Zapovednoye Poozerye” (Reserved lakes, forests and wetlands) has been set up that unites the Sebezhsky National Park in Russia and two landscape reserves - “Krasny Bor” (Red pine wood) and “Osveysky”- in Belarus. Within the framework of this project, the interaction is also carried out on the development of environmental education, on plotting the joint international routes and exchanging the experience and best practices while organizing tourism activities.
I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the Russians and their Belarusian colleagues are implementing an international technical assistance project - the Development of Eco-Tourism to Promote a Green Transition to Inclusive and Sustainable Growth - within the framework of the UN programme. The main activities under this programme are hospitality practices and the organization, development and promotion of ecotourism in specially protected natural areas.
Both in Russia and Belarus, there are a lot of beautiful places with stunning nature and opportunities for exploring and enjoying natural attractions, as well as for ecotourism. So, there is a lot of work in future to make such routes convenient, accessible and affordable, as well as to regulate the necessary legislative and legal aspects.