Alexander Terentyev, Director General of the Agency for Tourism Development and Promotion of the Region, spoke to the EcoTourism EXPERT about the opportunities and prospects of ecotourism in the Komi Republic.
- As for the Komi Republic’s potential, the region is a real paradise for ecotourists. What opportunities exist in the Republic right now?
- Indeed, ecotourism is the most popular tourism segment in the Republic of Komi that attracts up to 50 thousand tourists a year. It is developing, first of all, on the basis of two tourism clusters, the Virgin Komi Forests and the Arctic Clusters. The Virgin Komi Forests Cluster is localized in the Northern and Subpolar Urals. It is based on the two largest specially protected natural areas (SPNAs) of Komi, the Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve and the Yugyd Va National Park, both the SPNAs are of federal significance.
This region has the largest massif of virgin northern taiga (also known as boreal forest or snow forest, is a biome characterized by coniferous forests consisting mostly of pines, spruces, and larches - ed.) in Europe unaffected by anthropogenic impact. In 1995, the Virgin Komi Forests were the first Russian natural monument listed as the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The rivers known as the cleanest in Europe are a great treasure, too. There are especially many rivers in the Yugyd Va National Park; the park’s name means ‘clear water’ in the Komi language.
The Manpupuner Plateau that is among the iconic locations is one of the Seven Wonders of Russia and consists of several residual mountains (pillars or stone giants), with the legendary 42-meter high Manaraga Peak, the largest of them and recognized as the most beautiful peak of the Urals, and the Narodnaya mountain, the highest in the Urals.
In 2019 and 2021, two more specially protected natural areas of federal significance appeared in the Komi Republic, including the Koygorodsky National Park, the only place in Europe where the virgin middle taiga and the virgin southern taiga have been preserved, and the Paraskiny Lakes Nature Reserve having a unique karst landscape.
As for the Arctic Cluster, it includes the areas of four northernmost municipalities of the Komi Republic - the cities of Vorkuta, Inta, and Usinsk, as well as the Ust-Tsilemsky District. In this part of Komi, ecotourism enthusiasts are attracted by the natural beauty of the Polar Urals and the Bolshezemelskaya tundra (a type of biome where tree growth is hindered by cold temperatures and short growing seasons - ed.). People come to this part of Komi to raft down the local rivers famous for their canyons, as well as to fish on the Komi crystal clear lakes and climbing up the peaks of ancient ridges. In addition, traveling by helicopters to these destinations has recently become increasingly popular.
- What is the best time of year for visiting Komi and see the main ‘tourism anchors’?
- Travelers can visit the Yugyd Va National Park all year round, except for avalanche, spawning and fire hazardous periods. The season when snowmobiles can be used in the Yugyd Va National Park usually opens later and closes earlier than in the areas having no status of a natural reserve. And rafting down the rivers of the National Park is allowed only from June to September. The helicopter tours to hard-to-reach natural attractions depend on weather conditions; sometimes, they can be postponed for several hours or even days because of the weather.
If the main goal of traveling to Komi is the Manpupuner Plateau, the travelers need to keep in mind that this natural monument is located in the Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve that has strict rules, visiting this reserve is rather limited, as it is open to the visitors only for six months a year - from January 1 to March 31, and from June 15 to September 15. The quota for each of these periods is only 1,200 people, and booking for tours and excursions to the Manpupuner Plateau starts several months in advance.
In summer, tourists can visit the Manpupuner Plateau as part of a combined tour. The walking part of the tour offers a 50-km long route, and then the tourists travel another 200 km sailing by airboat along the Pechora River. Those who are not ready for a week-long ‘cross-country’ trip can reach the Manpupuner Plateau by helicopter from the city of Ukhta or the village of Troitsko-Pechorsk. By the way, flights to Manpupuner are carried out not only in the summer season, but also from January to March.
In winter, snowmobile tours to the Manpupuner Plateau are also offered that are more affordable than helicopter tours, and less physically demanding than walking tours. Perhaps, tourists might not like that snowmobile tours are long. It takes about five days to travel by snowmobile from Troitsko-Pechorsk to the Manpupuner Plateau and back - there are places along the route to rest and stay overnight.
Experienced travelers visit the Manpupuner Plateau more than once and in different seasons of a year. The point is not only that this is a ‘chameleon’ plateau, the way it looks depends very much on the weather and the season. In winter, the pillars look dark gray against the background of the ‘snow blankets’, and in spring, they are dazzling white and covered with ‘shells’ of ice crystals. Among other things, the Manpupuner Plateau is also considered a ‘place of power’. In winter, by the way, tourists can get very close to the pillars, and in summer, they can enjoy watching the sunset from their tops.
- What are the prospects for the development of ecotourism in the Komi Republic?
- In 2020, the Virgin Forests of Komi Cluster was among the finalists of the federal Competition in Promoting New Projects run by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. Systematic work is now underway to develop the cluster, it is aimed at expanding the basic infrastructure, and now, ecological trails are being laid, recreation areas are being equipped, and viewing platforms are under construction.
These measures are expected to significantly increase the tourist flow to the cluster. Our other goal is to increase the number of regional tour operators engaged in domestic and inbound tourism to 20. At the moment, their number is about ten, with only four of them offering tours using the recreational resources of the Virgin Forests of Komi, and two regional tour operators organize helicopter trips to the Manpupuner Plateau.
At this stage, the priority area for the development of the Arctic Cluster is the Vorkuta urban district where the most popular tourist destinations in the Polar part of the region are located, including the Kara and the Niyayu rivers, lakes Estoto and Shchuchye, as well as the Ochenyrd and the Pemboy ridges. The Arctic Cluster development program involves the creation of infrastructure that is in demand with the enthusiasts of activities. Under the program, modern accommodation facilities are set to be build, not only modular buildings, but also capital ones because most of the points of attraction for tourists in this part of Komi are located outside the specially protected natural areas.
The construction of a bridge over the Pechora River (already designed) and a highway instead of a winter road is expected to make year-round traveling by car to the Arctic possible. The plans are also to create special infrastructure for fishermen and those who are fond of boating or rafting, for example, recreation centers with rental points for fishing gear and boats.
New points of attraction for ecotourists are also under development, and a Chum-Park (‘chum’ is reindeer skin tent - ed.), an Ice Hotel, and a Green Restaurant in the mountains are among the most ambitious ones. The creation of a comfortable tourism infrastructure is in progress. For example, a tourist center is set to be built in an eco-friendly style at the entrance to the Paraskiny Lakes Nature Reserve where tourists can get information, relax, have a snack, rent the equipment necessary for travelers, and buy souvenirs made by local craftsmen.
- Ethnotourism is another interesting tourism segment. What places can give a better idea of your unique region to tourists?
- The best way to feel the local charm and get the authentic experience is to take part in traditional festivals, the most famous of which are the Izhma Lud (‘lud’ means ‘meadow’) and the ritual festival Ust-Tsilma Gorka held before the haymaking time. Both have pagan roots and are celebrated in the summer in these neighboring areas. The Izhma Lud is one of the few cultural events preserved that reflect the ancient worldview of the Komi people. The main events of the festival are horse racing, round dances and ritual ones, as well as a ‘bride fair’ where girls show their beauty and ability to wear a national costume. In contrast to this main festival of the Izhma people (entirely Komi folk), the Ust-Tsilma Gorka originates in the ancient Russian culture and the descendants of the Novgorod Old Believers living in our region celebrate it. The Novgorod Old Believers settled on the banks of the Pechora River over 500 years ago and created their own world there, with their customs and traditions, dialect, and folklore preserved unchanged.
We also have an offer for those who want to look at the cultural heritage of the indigenous population of the Komi Republic through the cultural lens of high art. This is the art tour ‘Following Kandinsky in Komi’ worked out in 2021. This project is dedicated to the journey to the Upper Vychegda River made by the founder of abstract art at the age of 22. We invite art lovers to repeat Wassily Kandinsky’s journey through the indigenous villages in the Upper Vychegda’s area and see everything that inspired the painter’s creative works.
Photos courtesy of the Agency for Tourism Development and Promotion of the Komi Republic