The Automobile Tourism Association proposed to classify routes for autotourists, as well as assigning stars to campsites, like in the hotel business. EcoTourism EXPERT asked Sergey Lobarev, President of the National Association of Automobile Tourism and Caravanning, Head of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Department of International and Interregional Cooperation responsible for the development of sustainable transport systems: why are such a classification and certification required?
- Why should routes for autotourists be classified?
As for routes, there is the Romantic Road in Germany, for example, and road No. 66 in the USA. In fact, all this is the pride of a region and of a country. As for our national routes, we came to the conclusion that this tourism segment requires regulation. Travelers who want to choose one route or another need predictability, safety, and high-quality service. Accessibility of routes for disabled people and environmental friendliness of such routes are also required. When travelling by car, there should be no extreme situations any longer.
- And what about campsites?
Of course, we studied the European experience and visited some campsites, studied their practice and service quality. We also drove across our country along the Moscow - Rostov-on-Don highway and along the Moscow - St. Petersburg one. We saw that some campsites, for example, declare they are 5-star ones, but at the same time, their toilets are outside.
We are confident that Russian autotourists, like European ones, should also have certain predictable roadside service facilities, including campsites.
They must know whether the safety of their vehicles at campsites is ensured, as well as the safety of their family members, what the quality of food is and what additional services are provided?
- What should a 5-star campsite provide?
It should provide an increased comfort of a campsite itself, as well as rest-areas, a fenced area for parking cars and caravans. There should be regulated entry and exit and a large number of services, including for disabled persons.
We will insist that luxury campsites should have a tourist information center so that people can find out what attractions are nearby and what must-see places are near the campsite. It should also be possible to rent a trailer or some equipment.
- Perhaps, auto-repair services should also be provided?
It’s unlikely that this should be a full-fledged car service station, but there should be opportunities for minor repairs. There should be a separate place for taking food, a pharmacy stall where travelers can buy over-the-counter medicines.
- What should a campsite’s tourist information center offer?
Such a center should take into account the interests of various travelers, as well as autotourists who are very rarely counted but their number is, by the way, 2.3 mn people. I think it is very important, the interests and needs of disabled people should also be taken into account as there are 1.3 mn disabled drivers in the country. About 20 thousand caravans are registered in Russia, and traveling in own ‘motorhomes’ is gradually gaining popularity.
- Don’t the existing All-Union State Standards (GOSTs) contain all these requirements?
In the existing GOSTs, everything is simplified and they determine whether it is a campsite or not. We believe the approach should be changed. In the near future, we will meet in the State Duma and offer to make attempts to determine the classification. Surely, a discussion will be required with the Avtodor (Automobile Road) Group of Companies, and we need to coordinate our work with the All-Russian Society of Disabled People. It’s time to address ourselves to this tourism segment and make the autotourists’ trips around Russia comfortable and safe.
- Will the cost of accommodation in campsites increase due to star rating only?
Firstly, certification will be voluntary and any tourist will have a choice of campsites. At the same time, a campsite owner must understand that today, for example, he works during a warm season, but every businessman wants people to come and stay at his campsite in other seasons, too. And businesses will understand what they can strive for by improving their classification; this will be a real motivation.
Even if the higher quantity and improved quality of services offered by campsite owners result in an increase in prices, autotourists will understand what exactly they pay for and demand proper quality services.
- What should be the result of using the autotourism GOSTs in the future?
We know that if high-quality service and proper safety are provided, people will travel around our country. Previously, we traveled abroad and realized that, say, 3-star hotels were predictable ‘3-stars’ ones. In Russia, they were not. The classification will give people the opportunity to have a planned trip, and they will be confident in every segment of their trip.