The press service of the Kulikovo Pole Museum-Reserve reported a new ancient find. Scientists have discovered an archaeological complex of the Yukhnov culture of the 4th-3rd centuries BC. During the exploration of the settlement, the first antique copper coin in the museum's collection was discovered - an obol. It was minted in Panticapaeum in 275-245 BC.
For the first time, an archaeological site near the village of Strukovo was mentioned in the work of Tula historian Ivan Sakharov in 1851. For a long time, the settlement did not attract the attention of scientists. In 1935, Tula archaeologist Mikhail Druzhin tried to study it, but mistook for a settlement a completely different territory not far from the present monument.
Archaeologists of the Kulikovo Pole Museum-Reserve managed to locate the "lost" settlement during reconnaissance work. It is located on the territory of Big Tula, on the right bank of the Sukhaya Voronka River near the village of Strukovo. By the found fragments of ceramics, scientists dated the monument to the period of the Early Iron Age.
Life on the territory of the settlement proceeded in the 4th-3rd centuries BC. The territory was protected by serious fortifications in the form of several two-meter ramparts and ditches. Behind the ramparts of the settlement was a settlement, which constitutes a single archaeological complex with it.
Now archaeologists are planning to conduct a full-fledged research on the Strukovo settlement. The message notes that the surrounding area is being actively built up, which in the future may lead to the destruction of a well-preserved archaeological site.