Ticks Awaken Early in Moscow Region

Ticks Awaken Early in Moscow Region

Source: https://mep.mosreg.ru/

The press service of the Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region reported that individual cases of tick appearance have begun to be recorded in the region. While there is no mass spread of insects yet, the department urged pet owners to be vigilant and take precautions.

The early awakening of ticks may be associated with abnormally warm weather. The absence of cold weather and snow has led to the fact that insects that did not have time to go into hibernation began to show activity. Usually, ticks appear en masse in the region only at the end of spring and beginning of summer, when the air temperature becomes favorable for their reproduction.

The ministry noted that pet owners began to write on social networks about ticks found on the fur of dogs. Messages about this are actively spreading on social networks, especially in Telegram channels dedicated to animals.

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