The territory of the Khopersky reserve in the Voronezh region is increased by 465.9 hectares due to the addition of new sites, in particular, the Novokhopyorsky forestry.
According to the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, this will strengthen the protection of natural areas and animals and birds living there.
“This decision will help preserve the so-called calm zone, on the territory of which any human intervention in natural processes is excluded. Until now, the forest areas wedged into the territory of the reserve came close to the quiet zone, which made it difficult to protect it, ”the message on the ministry’s website says.
According to experts, 16 species of animals from the Red Book of Russia live on the lands included in the reserve. For example, European tuvik, short-toed eagle, white-tailed eagle, little tern, eagle owl, middle woodpecker and other birds nest there.
"The expansion of the territory of the reserve will preserve its unique flora and fauna, and will also contribute to the development of ecological tourism in the Voronezh region," the Ministry of Natural Resources believes.
This work is carried out within the framework of the federal project "Preservation of biological diversity and development of ecological tourism", which is part of the national project "Ecology", the ministry said.