This year, 7.5 tons of compound feed for bison have been stocked and delivered. It has already been shipped to the feeding grounds.
The compound feed will be used not only for feeding, but also for attracting and trapping bison, which will be relocated to the Turmonsky reserve in North Ossetia at the beginning of next year.
With the onset of cold weather and deep snow in the mountains, bison of the Arkhyz group descend to feeding grounds. These sites are equipped for a comfortable stay of bison in winter and allow you to keep most of the livestock in a protected area. However, individual males, following their instincts, are looking for new habitats, developing territories outside the national park.
You can see the plant in the Dendrarium Park. Due to the fact that its flowers change color during the day, hibiscus is called the lotus tree or "crazy rose."
Representatives of over 50 mountain resorts and tourism development experts from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, South Korea, and other countries gathered in Almaty to discuss strategic development issues and the creation of an interstate mountain tourist route