Snowmobile Festival "Snow Pomorye" to Be Held in Arkhangelsk Region

Snowmobile Festival "Snow Pomorye" to Be Held in Arkhangelsk Region


The winter motorsport and tourism festival "Snow Pomorye" will take place in the Arkhangelsk region from March 14 to 16.

The organizers promise an exciting program, including snowmobile races, paragliding, hot air balloon flights, and airboat rides.

"Stars of motorsport, professional and amateur racing events! A spectacular show! Snowmobile gastronomic tourism, children’s races, interactive activities and raffles for the audience, master classes, hot air balloon, paragliders, moto-snowboards, a fair, snowmobile and car test drives, and… we’ll definitely come up with even more surprises," the festival’s VK page reports.

The program will also include a snow quest for the audience, and for children, a hot dog-making master class and a snowball fight.

The festival will be held in the Ustyansky district, in the village of Kononovskaya.

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