A new daily water route, "Mysteries of the Northern Islands," has opened in St. Petersburg. It runs between Yelagin and Kamenny Islands, then along the Bolshaya Nevka and Neva Rivers past the Trinity and Palace Bridges, and ends at the pier on Admiralteysky Quay, 10.
This was reported by the Visit Petersburg portal in its Telegram channel."The journey will take 1 hour 45 minutes, but it may take longer. If guests want to disembark and look around, they can do so and then board again and continue the tour," the message reads.
Boats depart daily at 12:30, 14:30, 16:30, 20:30. During the water tour, guests will listen to an audio guide, where they will learn about the history of St. Petersburg's islands.
Reuters has reported that the New Zealand government has announced a nearly threefold increase in fees for foreign tourists. Starting October 1st, the entry fee to the country will be 100 New Zealand dollars, equivalent to approximately 62 US dollars
The press service of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development has reported that, according to Rosstat, Russian hotels, sanatoriums, and other accommodation facilities welcomed 9.99 million guests in July of this year