114,000 m3 of sunken wood The water area is cleared of floating trunks by the "Management for the operation of the Sayan reservoirs" of the Center for regional water management - since 2019, about 600 hectares have been covered.
“Before the start of the national project, there were 228 thousand m3 of wood debris in the water, today we have reduced this volume by half. Tsentrregionvodkhoz will continue clearing the Sayano-Shushenskoye reservoir, for 2023-2024 Rosvodresursy has already provided for more than 48 million rubles. In addition, wood debris continues to float to the surface, ”Natalia Sologub, deputy head of the Federal Water Resources Agency, quotes the Ministry of Natural Resources.
The reservoir, located on the territory of three regions - Khakassia, Tyva and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, was formed after the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, the most powerful in Russia, on the Yenisei. After the flooding of the bed of the reservoir, it turned out to be about two million cubic meters of wood, the department noted.