Russia's Only Avalanche Rescue Training Ground Reopens at Rosa Khutor

Russia's Only Avalanche Rescue Training Ground Reopens at Rosa Khutor


The only avalanche rescue training ground in Russia has reopened at the Rosa Khutor resort.

Opened in 2020, the training ground aims to teach anyone interested the basic rules of safe behavior in the mountains. The training provided includes theoretical and practical skills in searching for people in avalanches and using specialized equipment. Over 2,000 people have attended training sessions at this unique facility in the past five years.

"At Rosa Khutor resort, we pay special attention to ensuring safe skiing. However, we know that mountains are unpredictable, and often the situation depends on the responsible behavior of the skiers and snowboarders themselves. To ski safely or to be able to provide assistance in an extreme situation, you need to have certain skills, be able to quickly assess the situation, and make the right decision. Participants in our training ground acquire just such knowledge, understanding how to avoid an avalanche, how to help themselves and others if it does happen. It is worth noting that the culture of skiing in our country is gradually growing. If in the first year of the avalanche rescue training ground's operation, 50 people attended its classes, last winter there were already 533, and in total over five seasons - more than 2 thousand," noted Sergey Chernov, Deputy General Director for Operation of the Rosa Khutor Mountain Resort.

The training at the ground is conducted by active employees of the Rosa Khutor Avalanche Service, who have extensive professional experience. During the theoretical part, participants get acquainted with avalanche equipment, study the algorithm for searching with a beeper, probing the found target with a probe, and the basic methods of digging out a victim from an avalanche.

"Avalanche equipment - a beeper, probe, and shovel - is provided to participants free of charge. Under the guidance of an instructor, everyone learns to use the equipment to understand and remember the sequence of actions. Then the guests are divided into groups, learn the "legend" and search for the "avalanche victim" for a certain time. This is done specifically, as it is always easier to act alone, it is much more difficult to organize a search in a group. The training ground is equipped with specialized sensors developed by one of the leading manufacturers of avalanche equipment. They operate at the same frequency as the beepers and are activated remotely, which allows creating a situation as close as possible to reality in the search. The task of the participants is to find and "rescue" all targets within 15 minutes," said the training ground staff.

Classes are held in groups of no more than 10 people. Each training session lasts 3.5 hours twice a week - on Wednesdays and Saturdays - on one of two sites depending on weather conditions. You can get to the training ground on skis or a snowboard.

Participants must be at least 16 years old. Pre-registration is required by phone +7-964-948-56-49 via Telegram. The avalanche rescue training ground at the Rosa Khutor resort will operate until the end of the 2025 winter season.

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