The press service of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has announced that a unified federal register of instructor-guides has begun operating in Russia. Now tourists will be able to independently check the level of training of the guides who take them on dangerous routes.
The new rules apply to mountaineering, mountain, hiking, water, skiing, speleological and diving tourism. Instructors can get into the unified federal register only after successfully passing certification in one of the authorized sports federations:mountaineering, diving and sports tourism.
Specialists who have successfully passed the qualification exam will receive a breastplate with a QR code. With its help,the tourist will be able to check in advance whether the instructor-guide has the necessary knowledge and experience to work on a difficult route.
"After pointing the camera of a mobile phone at the QR code, a transition to the unified federal register on a specialized portal takes place. If the surname of the instructor-guide is in it, then the instructor has the appropriate level of training and has successfully passed certification," the message says.
The register was created to improve the safety of tourists. Instructor-guides will confirm their knowledge and skills once every five years.