Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin announced in his Telegram channel the adoption of a development strategy for VDNKh until 2030. He noted that restoration work as part of the exhibition's revival is still ongoing, but it is now time to move on to a new level of development.
"Now we can pay more attention to hospitality, the quality of the environment, and a healthy lifestyle. In particular, it is planned to create a hotel complex and tennis courts at VDNKh. The best ideas of landscape architecture will be implemented on the territory of the Exhibition," the Moscow mayor said.
According to him, VDNKh is planned to be developed as an all-season and round-the-clock entertainment venue. New in-house festivals will be held there, and the number of attractions in the "Orion" park will more than triple.
In addition, the VDNKh EXPO convention and exhibition center, which began construction last year, will become the country's main specialized venue, and the "museum city" on the territory of the complex will become Russia's main cultural and educational cluster, Sobyanin said.
He noted that today VDNKh has become a center of recreation, culture, innovation, and tourism. According to the mayor, eight out of ten people who come to Moscow visit VDNKh.