After a snowy winter, a special feeding of ungulates is organized here. To do this, salt licks are installed on the territory of the Rosa Khutor resort.
With the advent of the calendar spring comes the most difficult time for ungulates living in the mountain ranges of the valley of the Psou and Mzymta rivers. The snow still lies densely on the mountain slopes, during this period a serious shortage of forage is especially acute. Right now, animals need people's help.
In total, 11 feeding stations have been installed on the territory of the resort at an altitude of 500 to 1900 meters above sea level. The places for them were determined jointly with the staff of the Sochi National Park. Monitoring, together with biotechnical measures, covers various forest zones of the Aibga ridge, as a result, it is possible to obtain reliable data on the dynamics of the development of the environment of this mountain range. Various types of ungulates live on the territory of the resort: deer, wild boars, chamois, roe deer.
For animal observation and a more detailed analysis of the species diversity of mammals in the resort and adjacent territories, special camera traps have been installed at Rosa Khutor.