Refusal of ecological expertise in protected areas during the construction of infrastructure projects is fraught with serious consequences for ecosystems. Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, former Minister of Natural Resources Dmitry Kobylkin shared his opinion in an interview with the "Vedomosti".
The State Duma adopted a law simplifying the construction of infrastructure facilities in protected areas. Before the first reading, the State Duma Committee on Ecology issued a critical review of it.
“Our committee, as responsible for ecology, environmental protection and natural resources, unanimously decided that, the document cannot be adopted in this form,” the deputy emphasized.
The law was adopted by the government, subject to amendments made by the committee. According to Kobylkin, thanks to the well-coordinated work of several committees and factions it was possible to remove many risks, law enforcement practice is ahead.
“We will be watching. And if something goes wrong, we will offer additional solutions,” he added.
By the second reading, the bill had an amendment that all permitted construction must be carried out in compliance with the legislation on environmental protection.
Kobylkin explained that in practice, in addition to carrying out an environmental review, there are many requirements that are spelled out in the forest, water codes, etc. For example, restoration work, a ban on waste disposal in the catchment areas of underground water bodies, etc.
"We can say that we are insured," said the deputy. “State environmental expertise is projects and documents that are considered for compliance with environmental requirements that are enshrined in laws. And no one cancels these requirements.
And if the need comes, decisions will be made to stop, postpone construction, etc., he added.
Environmental impact assessment will remain a mandatory component of the process. “Those who implement their projects will have to comply with all the requirements prescribed in environmental legislation. And in order to implement projects on the lands of protected areas, the initiators will have to undergo an environmental review,” Kobylkin emphasized.