This is a part of a program to restore a rare plant that was destroyed by the moth after the 2014 Olympics. For several days, employees of the Sochi National Park were collecting seeds on the territory of the Solokh-Aul district forestry.
«The territory of the Solokh-Aul forestry is 20236 hectares, at the moment we have managed to save 31 hectares of boxwood - the one that now grows in its natural environment. We collect its seeds. These seeds after harvest will be sent for germination for subsequent planting in the forest. Our goal is to collect as many seeds as possible in order to plant as many boxwood seedlings as possible,» said Yury Filimonov, Senior State Inspector for Environmental Protection of the Sochi National Park.
Seeds are harvested once a year - during the ripening period. Every year it is different depending on weather conditions, mainly in summer.
«The fruits of boxwood are boxes. They shoot, so you need to not miss the moment and have time to collect the seeds. Small, black, almost invisible, if they fall on the ground, it will be almost impossible to see them,» added Vasily Naryzhny, the district state inspector in the field of environmental protection of the Sochi National Park.
Further, the seeds will be sown in the forest nursery and each plant will be monitored.