Became known the most expensive cruises in Russia in 2024

Became known the most expensive cruises in Russia in 2024


In 2024 the cost of the most expensive water trips in Russia reached 10 million rubles, and land trips – 5 million rubles.

There were a lot of non-beach exotics in the segment of the most expensive trips in Russia last year.: Arctic, Siberia, Altai, Kamchatka, Karelia.

The first place in the rating of the Association of Tour Operators was taken by a river cruise along the Yenisei River worth 10 million rubles, the second by a sea cruise to the North Pole on the “50 years of Victory” nuclear icebreaker (6.96 million), and the third by a river cruise along the Yenisei River worth 6.48 million rubles.

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