An excellent gift for representatives of the tourism industry was made by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives for the Development of New Projects (ASI), which has developed a methodology for calculating the socio-economic effects of the development of territories with the potential for ecotourism. It is freely available on the ASI website, those who wish can download it absolutely free of charge.
According to experts, the integrated development of natural areas requires funding from both the region and federal authorities and private investors, and therefore an understandable mechanism for assessing the socio-economic effects of the development of ecological tourism, which will be obtained as a result of joint efforts.
“Having studied international experience, we have developed a toolkit for assessing the effects expected from the implementation of tourism and recreation cluster projects,” said Daria Rogova, program manager of the Center for Tourism Development and Ecology Initiatives of the ASI. “Based on the best foreign practices, we tried to make it clear, simple and accessible.”