33 Endangered Darwin's Frogs Successfully Hatched in the UK

33 Endangered Darwin's Frogs Successfully Hatched in the UK


A joyous event took place at the London Zoo: 33 endangered Darwin's frogs have successfully hatched. This unique species of frog, which inhabits the forests of Chile, is known for its unusual reproductive strategy. The males of these frogs carry the tadpoles in their vocal sac until they turn into frogs.

Unfortunately, this amazing species is on the brink of extinction due to a deadly fungal disease, chytridiomycosis, which has affected their habitat. To save these unique creatures, the London Zoo carried out a complex operation to transport 55 Darwin's frogs and their tadpoles to a specially created biosecure environment in the UK.

This step has become an important milestone in the conservation of the species and gives hope for its possible return to the wild in the future. The successful breeding of Darwin's frogs in captivity is a huge contribution to the preservation of the biodiversity of our planet.

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