So, it happened: the first town in the Balkans is completely isolated. In the Bulgarian ski resort of Bansko, after detecting a coronavirus infection in two English tourists, a 78-year-old man and a 9-year-old boy, the decision was taken to quarantine the town. Everyone who wished to leave the resort was given a day, after which it was highly recommended to stay alone, leave the house only if necessary, with the slightest signs of malaise a person should be hospitalized. These recommendations are for two weeks.
However, not all Russian-speakers left the town - some live here permanently, while others prefer to weather the storm in a quiet beautiful place. What is it like to stay isolated for a long time? What are the fears of those who have not left the town? What are those doing who did not want to leave their favorite town? The residents and guests of Bansko told EcoTourism Expert about this.
ELENA PUDOVA - an activist of the headquarters for evacuating the Russian tourists:
- How did it happen that you became one of the organizers of the evacuation in Bansko?
- It happened by chance thanks to the consulate’s request. I really love mountains and sports, so I spend a lot of time in Bansko, I have a lot of friends here, both the Russians and the local people. Therefore, when there was a mess with the evacuation of our tourists, many began to ask me the same questions as the people did not know where to turn for help, when and where transport would be arranged to depart to the airport, whether everyone would be accepted on board.
I felt sorry for friends and called the consulate. The consulate organized the headquarters for the evacuation of the Russian tourists. I was asked to make lists of those who were in Bansko. They also spreaded the word in all Bansko groups on Facebook. On the first day, officially set (24 hours) to leave Bansko, our friends Elena and Andrei created a chat on WhatsApp where they informed about the departure. It should be noted that they stood in the line of cars for more than half a day. Another chat room was created by Artyom Romanov, many Russians permanently residing in Bansko entered it. The information was duplicated in both chats. Maxim, a Russian consulate official entered both chats and gave some official information.
When leaving, Elena gave me the admin rights to the chat. During 4 days, the consulate together with the community took tourists to the airports under the police escort. There were groups to Plovdiv to take a flight to Moscow, as well as to Sofia to fly to Istanbul. And also, there were separate buses to take people to regular flights operated by Aeroflot and Bulgaria Air. Rented cars followed the bus columns. Everything was done according to the lists and tickets for the date of departure.
- And who else helped our tourists?
- The moderator of our ‘Russian-Speaking Bansko’ group Anna Konoplyova worked on the part of Facebook and the municipal administration (community). From morning to evening, Anya informed those departing, answered the most unexpected questions that arose, helped to collect the information about the Russian tourists’ situation.
- Were the people stricken with panic?
- In fact, I would not say that someone made panic. Moreover, there are those who wished to stay in Bansko and changed their tickets for an ‘after quarantine’ flight.
- Do you think those who left would like to return to Bansko next season?
- I think that many will return earlier, because summer in the mountains is a great time for sports and recreation.
ARTYOM ROMANOV - a businessman, an organizer of the ‘Russian-Speaking Bansko’ group:
- The group you created on Facebook really helped our tourists in a force majeure situation. Did you personally need help on these difficult days?
- Yes, the Facebook group and WhatsApp chat worked well. A consulate official joined the chat and he directly communicated, gave the information directly to people and received it directly from them, since not everyone had the opportunity to call the consulate. In turn, I tried to help him with arranging the transport vehicles for tourists. Everything was organized, and everything went well - this is the main thing!
- Recent weeks have been a shock to the global economy. Has it somehow affected your life in Bansko?
- I think that this has affected everyone, and we are no exception. Everyone is changing something now in his or her life, adapting somehow. However, the tourists left a little earlier than usually and the town was deserted. It would have become deserted anyway, but it became deserted very fast. On the one hand, the hotels, restaurants and the tourism sector suffered losses, on the other hand, the small grocery stores in Bansko are now in a good position, all people buy from them only, there is plenty of choice and assortment.
- How do you deal with psychological stress in such an unusual situation?
- Actually, there is not so much free time as it seems. We are now opening online training and advising on real estate in Bansko. It takes time and we have it now.
We also continue to renovate our new apartment, workers cannot come, so I do everything by myself, I mastered how to lay laminate flooring, underfloor heating and do other things. Fortunately, all materials and furniture were purchased earlier. So, I am busy, there’s never a dull moment.
EKATERINA ROMANOVA – Artyom’s wife, a realtor, an active member of the Bansko community:
- How does your family endure the quarantine restrictions? Is your son asking to go for a walk?
- Now, it is the time for the family. We play board games at home and soccer in the yard. The school introduced online training, teachers work with children every day, follow the school curriculum, and complete all tasks. Of course, Timothy asks to go for a walk with his friends.
- What do you miss in this situation?
- As a keen traveller, of course, I do not have enough freedom to move and travel. In March, I had plans to visit Milan, Nice, Valencia. Artyom canceled his business trip to Israel. We miss swimming in the mineral pools and short trips to visit the nearest towns and attractions.
- And how do you fight the negative information?
- Coach Elina Brevnova, who lives in Bansko, helps me psychologically: I listen to her live broadcasts and we communicate online. To cheer up, I read encouraging posts of other residents of our town.
- Today, the real estate market you work in is frozen and unstable. What is your prognosis for the post-COVID-19 period?
- Now, we plan to hold online meetings, real estate webinars, consultations. In the post-virus period, we will complete the transactions we started. I think that in this situation, people would like to have a ‘second home’ even more in a secluded, environmentally friendly place near the national park.
- What do you think, after lifting the quarantine, will Bansko remain a sought after resort?
- Nowadays, many media are writing about the situation in Bansko, thereby attracting attention to it. Even those who did not know about such a town have heard a lot about the resort.
In the summer, more and more people come to Bansko. The place in the valley of three mountains is becoming popular among freelancers because of nature and affordable prices. In my opinion, the ski resort of Bansko is turning into a full-fledged town, attractive for living.
VALERIA BOLOTOVA - a photographer, an initiator of environmental and charity projects, an organizer of information meetings for Russian-speaking tourists in Bansko, she can do it all:
- Valeria, I know you’re energetic and I cannot imagine how you manage to observe the regime of self-isolation?
- It's not difficult at all. If you have some hobby - of course, not those endless gatherings with friends - it’s easy to be in isolation. I often work on large personal projects that require time and focus. So, now there’s just time for everything. I am completing my crocheted cactus garden. I listened, purely out of curiosity, to a marathon course on promoting a page on Instagram. I sew masks to be used by friends and neighbours. Finally, I subscribed to the Storytel and listen to ‘Zuleikha opens her eyes.’ I am completing the first part of the Dutch language course online. I communicate with friends through all kinds of video applications. Unfortunately, I goof off on Facebook most of the time. The husband nailed everything in the apartment that needed nailing and hung everything that required hanging. So, the apartment is in full order now. And the main thing is: at last there is time for processing photos, I am preparing another photo album.
- Will you share your pictures with our portal?
- Certainly!
- What is the current situation in Bansko in shopping? After all, there are no large supermarkets, and there is no delivery service.
- All stores are full of essential goods. Except masks, there is absolutely everything. The crisis centre manufactured 1,500 reusable masks and distributes them to local residents. In a neighbouring village, such masks are sewn for sale and also distributed in some way. You can order the delivery of meals home as several restaurants have switched to home delivery service. You can order fruit and vegetables from the store. There is nothing to fear - there are few people in the stores, I rarely saw more than two visitors at the same time, everyone wears a mask and people keep the distance. So, my husband and I make permitted trips to the store, pharmacy, bank, we go along deserted streets only, wearing a mask and gloves. One day for bread in one store, another day for vegetables, a third day - for fruit. It is necessary to support the local business.
- Some people, considering that walks in the fresh air will not harm anyone, make their way into the mountains using secret paths. Don’t you have such a desire?
- I'm sorry that we cannot go to the forest and mountains, I also think that walks will not hurt anyone, but people normally go to the mountains in groups. There is no desire to violate the quarantine. Just open a balcony in our town - and the air is like a forest air. Therefore, those who assure that it is impossible to stay healthy without walking play cunning. Home fitness with an open balcony will help you survive two weeks easily. And I know people who could stay in their house for several days, but now they are complaining. So, it is rather in the nature of people to go against regulations and prohibitions.
- When the quarantine is lifted, what will you do first?
- Prior to the quarantine, I met with a fitness coacher for training under a personal programme. But due to the quarantine, it was canceled. I'll meet him and start training! I will go to the mountains, meet my friends and I really want to go to the cinema. But until the restrictions on movement are lifted throughout Bulgaria, I will not be able to do all this. Well, it’s easy and safe to stay in Bansko during the quarantine.
- Why didn’t you leave when there was an opportunity?
- What should I do in St. Petersburg? The training in the institute is in a remote mode, cinema and clubs are closed, even fitness is closed.
- What are you doing here?
- I’m waiting, maybe, the quarantine will be lifted, at least, I’ll go in for trekking.
- And where do you live? Hotels are closed.
- We have our own apartment here.
- So, you're not alone, are you?
- Alone. The apartment belongs to my family, but I flew alone to ski downhill. It's a shame, of course, that there was no snow and no chance to ski downhill, now there is much snow, but the mountain rope hoist is closed.
- And what are other problems?
- I don’t have any problems. I stay mostly at home and goof off on the Internet. Sometimes I go out for food. I’ve bought some quick soups, all kinds of chips. But I don’t understand, the quarantine seems to be strict, but there are no masks in pharmacies.
- So, it seems they are being distributed free of charge.
- I have not seen them.
- But how do you go to the shops?
- I’ve taken a mask from my neighbour. His girl friend made some masks for him, even the masks with emoticons. And he has left the town.
- Is not it boring without your neighbour?
- It's boring. I did not think that everyone would leave: the windows in the houses are dark, no one is in the streets - a ghost town. Only the mountains delight the eye. But what's the use of them: there are mountains, but you can’t walk in them.
ELENA BOGUSH - a crisis psychologist, the author of the book ‘Life Strategy’ and the training cycle of the same name, a member of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, a member of the expert council of ‘Our Psychology’ journal:
- Do you manage to maintain peace of mind in such a strange environment?
- Yes, I do. Auto-training and the analysis of fears with your psychotherapist for a long time gave a habit and skills. There are many practices that allow you to hear your anxiety, to catch signs of a beginning panic, to prevent it from increasing and seizing you.
- How to help yourself not to fall into claustrophobia in the face of a sudden restriction on the movement?
- Not all people are exposed to claustrophobia! Many calmly perceive the isolation itself, but they worry about a possible illness, worry about the people they love. This is normal. Now, if the anxiety does not go away, your sleep and appetite are disturbed, a lump in throat feeling appears, then you need to consult a specialist. If this is not delayed, then a specialist can help you with several online consultations.
- What would you advise to those who are already close to a nervous breakdown?
- As a crisis psychologist (and everything that is happening now is a crisis), I recommend immediately contacting your psychologist. The psychologist will determine whether a medical support is needed and, if necessary, advise you a consultation with a doctor (also online in an epidemic), or conduct psychotherapy. If you do not have your psychologist, then I will be glad to help with advice, psychotherapy or recommendations.
ILYA MIKHNEV - a traveler and animal rights activists:
- How do you, a person who is used to travel, endure the ban on movement?
- I believe that in this situation, the ban on movement is justified. Any conscious person should understand this. The main thing is to stop the virus spread, and limiting our travelling is just the least we can do.
Of course, there are difficulties in Bansko - it is impossible to go to the store even in the neighbouring Razlog, but there are still food products in Bansko, the stores are full, everything is fresh and no shortage.
I hope, in a couple of weeks, the movement within the country will be allowed.
In general, I support such measures.
- And how are your animals – aren’t they down in the dumps?
- It is good that the last government regulation stipulated that you can walk with your pets, so there are no problems, no stress. We still walk three times a day, since we live next to the forest, we need not go out into the town. But even in the town, people walk with dogs - at a distance, people do not get together.
- What is the situation with stray pets now?
- Of course, it’s a misfortune with homeless animals. Most of them got food from tourists, I cannot imagine what will happen to them when there are no tourists. They may become aggressive and it will be necessary to trap and isolate them. But you can’t leave the streets without dogs and cats - wild animals will come, and this is even more dangerous. The idea, of course, is to somehow support the homeless animals, to the best of our ability. Compassionate people should give food to dogs and cats, at least in their own areas. It is more important now than ever before.
- What situation do you see in the town in the near future?
- Now, it will be a difficult time for the people of the town, many have their own business that will suffer from the lack of tourists. I want people to help each other and not turn their backs on the others. The trouble is common.
I wish Bansko to return to normal life, open the way to tourism, but only after the threat of the virus spread disappears. I believe that we shall overcome!
In the meantime, there is time for self-realization, training, it is good that many resources on the Internet have provided free access to their programmes.
Let's survive this crisis together and unite!
- Do you think this is possible?
- Without fanfare, I really think so.
Photo courtesy of Valeria Bolotova