A surviving fairy tale
Larisa Ushakova
A craftswoman and member of the Union of Artists of Russia

A surviving fairy tale

Larisa Ushakova, a craftswoman and member of the Union of Artists of Russia, told the EcoTourism EXPERT about the history of Dymkovo pottery toys and the promotion of the traditional folk crafts.

- Why are the pottery figurines made in Kirov called Dymkovo toys? And why are they so popular with the Russians and foreign tourists?

- You are absolutely right, the fame of the Dymkovo pottery toys has long crossed the borders of our country. They are part of the Russian folk art, and also, one of the tourist attractions of the Kirov Region.

The Dymkovo toys first were made in the city of Vyatka where the residents living on the other side of the river have been engaged in pottery manufacturing since ancient times. Hence, the smoke - ‘dym’ in Russian - was always above the city area named Dymkovo.

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The history of the clay figurines made in Dymkovo is connected with the local Svistoplyaski (or Svistunya) festival of song and dance known since the 15th century. It was for this festival that pottery toys and whistles were mass-produced and sold.

The Dymkovo toys looking like the ones made today appeared in the early 19th century and became popular and even fashionable. Craftswomen sculpted figurines of people and animals, various scenes from real life, which they observed while sitting by the window of their house.

This is a whole layer of cultural heritage that preserves the history of the city of Vyatka, its residents, and the country as a whole. In this sense, the Dymkovo pottery toys are a fairy tale-reality, our past, a cultural code that has miraculously survived despite all the historical ups and downs. At the same time, the Dymkovo toys ‘live’, ‘breath’, absorb new ideas and trends, but retain a recognizable image and this is overseen by the arts council. The secret of its popularity lies in this, too.

- What changes have occurred in the process of creating the Dymkovo pottery toys? Does the technological progress replace the individuality of the local craftspersons?

- The technology development even for the last half century has brought many new things. There are innovations in clay production and firing, as well as in the paints used. For example, powder paints were used in the past that were mixed with egg white (50 percent of egg white and 50 percent of water), which made the figurines smooth and strong. And black paint was always diluted with yolk and applied more thickly, which often led to chips. In the past, brass leaves - thin films of rolled copper - were used as a decoration, now gold leaves are used.

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But the most important thing in production has remained. The Dymkovo toys are designers’ craftworks, they are made by one craftsperson from beginning to end. In the old days, Dymkovo toys were not signed, then small labels with a craftsperson’s name were stuck on them. Now, each toy is necessarily signed, which is an innovation, because it is handmade and emphasizes the individuality of a person who created it.

A tourist - an ordinary buyer - may think that all Dymkovo toys look very similar. But each craftswoman has her own style, which helps a professional person easily recognize her style, for example, methods of modeling, painting, various decorative elements, and the combinations of elements. It is important how craftspersons select them, as well as their skills in working with colors. Any Dymkovo toy, of course, begins with clay that is taken by hands and checked for elasticity.

- You have been in this business for 40 years. What inspires you, where do you get new ideas?

- A few years ago, a new house was under construction in the Dymkovo district of Kirov. When a pit for basement was dug, unexpectedly, many different old toys were found in one of the layers. The craft is more than four centuries old, and holding such old clay figurines in your hands is a special, reverent feeling, as if you are in a time portal. Contacting the rich culture, traditions, of course, inspires greatly.

Of course, there are many ideas in folk costumes, Russian folklore - songs, fairy tales, proverbs, and ditties. I am in a constant creative search, combine traditions and innovation and keep on improvising.

Previously, toys were small, the size of a palm. When the craftswomen began to visit exhibitions, the size of pottery toys began to grow. I returned to the traditional size - small size and small plot - most often devoted to village themes like figurines of animals and birds, ladies, nannies, babysitters with children.

I was interested in conveying movement in a static figurine. The compositions - thematic plots with small figurines in different positions like people during winter activities, city festivities, and flocks of birds - help me in this.


History became one of the new directions for me. So, I use old black and white photographs to show the temples on the high bank of the Vyatka River in my clay figurines. By the way, they remained white, experiments with colors did not work, and in this case, it was the black and white combination that turned out to be most impressive.

- In the age of multimedia, what is an efficient way to promote the traditional craft items?

- Support from the state and holding exhibitions are important, especially, in the popular interactive game format when all the authentic folk craft items are displayed. It is impossible to spark the interest of people in toys without touching the figurines. When children or adults touch a Dymkovo pottery toy, they feel completely different. At such exhibitions, visitors have an opportunity to talk to the craftspersons, ask questions, get to know about history and traditions, try to make or paint the figurines on their own. Of course, this is also a way to attract new people to the craft.

- I can’t help but ask - how long does it take to learn the art of making Dymkovo pottery toys professionally?

- At least, 5 years are required to learn from an experienced craftsperson, and it’s also necessary to go to museums, storerooms and look at figurines and make sketches. This craft is very special. The skills that senior experienced craftspersons share with younger ones do not come immediately; so, people need to grasp the line of movement and sculpting, to master every aspect of painting, to soak up the atmosphere and strong spirit of the craft. My own experience shows that the process of development in the profession and self-improvement never ends. Therefore, the Dymkovo fairy tale never ends, either.

Photos courtesy of Larisa Ushakova
