

Business for love, not for money
Two ladies, a doctor and a builder, natives of Moscow, have developed and implemented a successful hotel project in Yalta’s Livadia
The wine road leads to Sevastopol
The future of the “Sevastopol” tourism and recreational cluster
We are waiting for tourists in Crimea, but we ask you not to leave litter!
Director of “Zapovedny Krym”: how to behave in the SPNAs and how to avoid a fine
Winter vacation in the Crimea: Active and environmentally friendly
The Crimea is strongly associated with summer vacations, and many people do not even imagine how beautiful it is in winter
Flying over the abyss
What the Crimea can give those who want to gain really rich experience and an adventure with the sauce of danger is told to us by Anri Kanunov, the chairman of the public organization ‘FREERIGHT’ and vice-president of the Russian Diving Federation
Natalia Ditrikh: the beautification of Yalta is a great challenge for a professional!
The chief architect of Yalta told EcoTourism Expert about her vision of the pressing problems of the Crimea’s resort capital and the main directions of its development
In the reserved and protected Crimea, there is a place for scientists and tourists
Wildlife activists have finally breathed a sigh of considerable relief - Andrei Borodin who was appointed director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Zapovedny Krym (Reserved Crimea) established on February 4 by the Ministry of Natural Resources began to introduce proper order in the unique nature reserves in the Crimea
Flower paradise on the Crimean coast
Ironically, the Nikitsky Garden that survived the most difficult times for the country, in the recent decades was funded far inferior to need, with whatever funds remained, and was hardly able to survive on its old reserves, developments and experience, and equipment. Today, the Garden is experiencing its renaissance. We talked with Yuri Plugatar, Director of the Nikitsky Botanic Garden – the National Scientific Center (NBG-NSC) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, about the tasks facing his team and their immediate prospects.
New travel destinations include cruises to the North Pole and onshore traveling like making tours of the enterprises in the Arctic zone
Treasures underfoot of Bulgaria