Expert Reports

Expert Reports

Garbage that kills: The results obtained by the Kamchatka Coast Expedition
Russia grows with Siberia, and Siberia - with an environmentally sustainable business
Responsible and environmentally friendly business is the engine of tourism development in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Spending money on travelling and getting a refund
Stage 5 of the tourist cashback programme was completed ahead of schedule
Money back
Sochi became the leader in booking Сashback tours
The first Russian centre for the conservation of rare species of birds of prey was created in Kamchatka
The Russian International Falcon Centre “Kamchatka” is preparing to receive the first group of gyrfalcons
The Arctic welcomes tourists
The Arctic area of Russia will soon turn into a tourist region
Schoolchildren have gone on trips
The Russian government has worked out a programme for the development of tourism for schoolchildren and provided that about 500 million roubles would be sent to the Russia’s regions
Will Russia become a country with a tourism economy?
Russia’s pivot from commodities extraction to development of its vast territories as tourism destinations exceeds US$30 billion
In the harbour of Liinakhamari in the Murmansk Region, the Russian Geographical Society to help restore the monument to the heroes of WWII
Creating the “Port of Liinakhamari” tourism cluster is under consideration
International public organizations can help to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Saami people in Murmansk region
Cooperation has been established with the representatives of the authorities and and with big business in the region

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